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Ascension represents a revival of archaic traditions - a return to the golden era of video gaming and philosophy - where the games were relentlessly difficult, required a sharp mind, keen attention and lightning reflexes to contend with - The story's would challenge you, inspire you and leave you with a sense of awe and wonder..

Ascension - The Immortal Alchemist has been designed as a series of initiations for sharpening both your game sense; and higher faculties of awareness;
Timing, reflexes, focus, power of observation, mindfulness, memory, creative problem solving, pattern recognition and more will be exercised regularly with gameplay. (You'll be having too much fun to even notice)
Acting as both high octane entertainment and transmission of ancient philosophy, the game requires players to traverse regions of the cosmos in search for the Tablets of Destiny - to obtain a promised revelation of the Prisca Theologia - The ultimate revelation of knowledge and power - reserved only for those who harmonize with the arcane laws, awaken the inner serpent and prove themselves worthy by ascending the seven spheres under the tutelage of The Immortal Alchemist.

Ascension is a 3D action platformer inspired by the legendary writings of Hermes Trismegistus - a figure who rose to prominence during the Hellenistic period and whos timeless teachings are as relevant today; as they were when they were written, thousands of years ago.

Ascension has been designed as an initiation into an echelon of elite gamers - an essential addition to every LAN party, or a training platform to keep gamers faculties in peak condition.
"Ascension follows the trials and tribulations of an Immortal Alchemist, and his quest throughout time to transmute humans into Gods."
Ascension has been designed as an initiation into an echelon of elite gamers - an essential addition to every LAN party, or a training platform to keep gamers faculties in peak condition.
General Classifications
3D Action Platformer - Single-player or Multiplayer | Co-operative or Competitive

Action-Adventure | Platforming | Story | Speed-Run | Puzzles | Difficult | Re-playability

Main Themes
Dark Fantasy | Occult | Mysticism | Symbolism | Alchemy | Conspiracy | Satire | Violent

Core Features
Dark Fantasy | Occult | Mysticism | Symbolism | Alchemy | Conspiracy | Satire | Violent

Action-Adventure explore ancient temples, tombs, towers and dungeons. Enjoy fast paced, high risk exploration. Multiple pathways through each level.
Platforming challenge your powers of memory, focus and timing with dynamic platforming in a world that is always moving and re-arranging itself.
Story Telling players are compelled into a confronting hero's journey of self discovery. Discover the secret of secrets, our history books were burned to conceal from us.
Puzzles decipher the Arcane wisdom hiding in plain sight. Decode alchemical symbolism and ancient phrases of power to progress the forbidden trials.
Difficult surrounded by dangers constantly, every movement requires pre-meditation. Tread wisely and think every action through. Only the worthy shall endure.
Re-playability Multiple Pathways - Customization - Competitive Multiplayer & Co-operative Multiplayer. Ascend to the apex of the celestial hierarchy by competing in community Leaderboard challenges.

"An Immortal Alchemist beckons lost souls through a hellish nightmare with the promise of divine revelation...
In exchange - players must first descend into an ancient labyrinth where their mortal souls are tested by trials of fire and propelled to their utmost potential.
Those with the determination and grit to complete the trials, the focus and wit to decipher the arcane laws and the self awareness to awaken their inner serpent can ascend through the celestial spheres and be transmuted into a vessel worthy of harnessing the forbidden powers..."

Discover the timeless wisdom of the demi-gods of antiquity

Explore the realms of the 7 governors and complete their trials to ascend to higher spheres

Search the cosmos for the tablets of destiny and discover the secret wisdom in which entire cultures were once destroyed for obtaining.

Kiwi ingenuity coupled with German precision

John McCormick
CEO & Founder, Creative Director, Designer, Artist, Musician, Actor, Sales, Marketing, Compliance
20 Years XP in Art Production roles - 7 Years in Game Development
Salar Kv
Lead programmer, Experienced Game Developer. Translator of vision into reality. Converter of vision into code. Elite Unreal Engine operator

These games have played a pivotal role in inspiring the creation of Ascension.
A Huge thanks to Blender & Unreal Engine - whos development and support has been paramount to the inception of Ascension!
A special thanks goes to the great sages of the diverse mystical traditions of antiquity. Whos timeless teachings have evolved and refined to guide, inspire us and lead us toward the pursuit of perfecting our practice.

Ascension - The Immortal Alchemist has been the focal point of our existence for the last several years.
Distilling an accumulated wealth of life skills, life experiences as an Artist, a Gamer, a Monk, a Soldier, a Developer - a Creator, all of my energy, time and efforts have been poured into developing what I know will be an experience so potent, it will spawn an entire sub-genre of copy cat games to follow. Violet Flame Studios first of many Great Works - something to be proud of and build upon for the decades to follow.
With your blessing, we would love to be able to continue to develop the game on the trajectory it is currently on - and without having to adhere to strange social and political obligations that come with pairing with large stakeholder groups.
That's why we've come to you - the people - hoping and willing for assistance to allow this dream to manifest in its greatest possible glory for our shared benefit.
Help us to get Ascension into the spotlight and over the line - and you will have a game to play like no other that has ever existed!
Glory to the Master(s)! ;)
- John McCormick
CEO Violet Flame Studios
Creators of Ascension - The Immortal Alchemist